Posts tagged ‘BBQ’

July 21, 2010


There is a sea of lillies in my front yard. At last count there were around 60 and they just keep coming. And then there is the special one. The only one with smell, but you can smell it from the street. I love lillies.

I don’t think that I shared with you last week the present that I got from my mother. Well… this is it….

Its a spice grinder.

Ok… its not just a spice grinder. Its lovely. Ceramic grinder and easy to clean.

I love this thing. Thanks Mom.

I realized that we had a ton of meat in the fridge and with it being such a nice night yesterday, we needed to grill. I ended up making a wonderful seafood patty. I took store bought crab cakes and mixed them with 4oz of raw salmon chopped, bread crumbs, 1 egg, and miscellaneous herbs from the kitchen. Oh they were so good. We also cooked up a large steak, some chicken, and a cracked rosemary infused pork loin for Bill. It was a good dinner.

Well, I am off to enjoy the beautiful sunny day that is Sandpoint.

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